604 684-5775 / 778 855-4426
Our Recent projects : Africa Mission  |  Seminary Project in Mysore, India   |   Vancouver West-End Sandwich Services   |   Friends of Burnaby Youth Justice Services Centre (BYJSC)   |   Carmel Hill

Contact Information


  • Father Rudolf D’Sousa
    President and CEO
    Telephone :
    604 684-5775 (work)
    778 855-4426 (mobile)

  • Francis BC Wong CGA, CDFM, ACIS, PAdm
    Secretary-Treasurer CFO
    604 443-3225 (work)
    778 385-2448 (mobile)

Guardian Angels Catholic Church
1161 Broughton Street
Vancouver, BC

Pam Bourne
Bank of Montreal
10th & Granville Street

Investment Advisor:
Stewart Hayashi Vice President
RBC Dominion Securities
604 257-7330

David Mills, Senior Vice President
HUB Insurance Inetrnational

Legal Counsel:
James D. Leith
Guild Yule LLP
Barristers and Solicitors
2100 - 1075 West Georgia Street
Vancouver BC V6E 3C9 Canada
Direct Line 604 844 5504
Fax 604 688 1315

Our Projects

Seminary Project in Mysore, India

The charity has assisted in partial financing of an addition to a seminary in Mysore, India for the training of young men to the priesthood.

Africa Mission

The charity has supported a village in Nigeria called Oforola, of a Catholic priest who is the pastor of St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Surrey